#Crossover symmetry iron scrap free
This is a great system to use in order to strengthen the stabilizer muscles of the scapula and arm helping them work in sync for greater mobility and by strengthening the muscles for pain free over head movements.Without a strong scapular foundation, energy transfer will be lost due to inefficient and excessive scapular motion decreasing performance potential.The problem of end-face cavity formation in parts produced by cross-wedge rolling was studied in order to reduce material consumption.

Prevention and recovery to rehab an injury is an important part of keeping your body healthy and able to workout consistently. IRON SCAP is the true strengthening phase of the HIIT System. It is an intense workout targeting the key scapular stabilizers that work as a force couple to balance and promote upward rotation of the scapula. IRON SCAP is an extremely effective program for strengthening the scapular stabilizers, which will improve posture, scapula positioning/rotator cuff function and energy transfer throughout the kinetic chain. By applying rapid alternating movements, the neuromuscular control required for timing, efficiency, and stability during high speed dynamic movements is enhanced. In the Plyometric phase, the athlete will perform five high speed plyometrics (oscillations) at the end or mid-range of the exercise. The plyometric program employs the principles of rhythmic stabilization in functional movement patterns that have been used for decades by the top sports medicine professionals in the world. The Recovery phase increases targeted blood flow to tendons and muscles to speed up the body’s healing processes. The Recovery phase utilizes eccentric, or negative muscle contractions, which have been shown to be beneficial when treating chronic overuse injuries. It is also very effective following heavy workloads or the last event of a multi-day competition. The Recovery phase should be utilized post WOD with athletes whose shoulders give them persistent problems.

The Activation program will improve neuromuscular firing and increase blood flow to targeted muscles. It is a non-fatiguing dynamic shoulder warm up, designed to activate the essential structures of the shoulder complex. The Activation program is the most important phase of the H.I.I.T System and should be used prior to any workout. To reduce pain there are 4 phases: ACTIVATION PHASE

The Crossover Symmetry H.I.I.T (High Intensity Interval Training) System was engineered and developed by top sports physical therapy experts, athletes, and coaches.The Crossover Symmetry System will help most athletes who are experiencing symptoms of shoulder impingement and will restore them back to pain free training in as little as 3 weeks. You might be asking what this system is and how does it work. The goal is to facilitate safe and efficient shoulder mechanics, reduce the risk of shoulder injury, and improve overhead performance. The system addresses the specific needs, time constraints, and demands of the CrossFit athlete by combining the three phases of the Crossover Symmetry System (Activation, Recovery, and Plyometric), along with IRON SCAP, the high intensity scapular strengthening program. You are not going to reduce the pain in your shoulders without addressing the underlying issue. To permanently fix your shoulders you need to address the problem, not mask the symptoms with pain killers and tape. While these are great moralities to reduce the pain temporarily it will return unless you fix the dysfunction and restore the balance to your shoulder. This can only be done by activating and strengthening the dynamic stabilizers of the shoulder complex, which is exactly what the Crossover Symmetry system is designed to do. How can you do this? The crossover symmetry system is one tool that you can use to help strengthen these muscles. However, we want to be “Scapjacked” and have strong shoulders to PR and RX the weight pain free. If you are doing enough mobility, which in most cases you are not, that will help to prevent some injury. Think about doing a WOD with thrusters, wall balls and muscle ups for 20 minutes and your shoulders are taking a beating. In general, sports are not good for shoulder health. From doing snatches, jerks, and presses they are important for many movements. Your shoulders are used A LOT in CrossFit.